Friday, February 18, 2005

Tempting Pixs!

ok ok, so I know this is looong overdue. But hey! At least it's here now yea..:)
I did a Medium size. Notes for wWhat I'd look out for the next time round.

1.) The bust area. I'd probably do a little short rowing at the chest so it fits better. Now that area stretched out more then the rest of the body. Personal preference of mine.

2.) Though Tempting sits well when I wear it without a ribbon, a few decrease stitches would probably make it more fitting.

3.) Ribbons. I prefer softer ones and something more than 2 inches. I got a Turquoisy one that was too stiff, not very nice and the Green ribbon that I like most looks a little too thin to do it justice. Depends on individual preference. :)

4.) This is my mistake. The stitches looked flatten after blocking. I think I'll reverse the blouse before blocking next time round.

Here the shot of me wearing it. I still need to weave in the ends...:) This is the best shot I could get on my own. I'll get SW to take another one of me and post it later.

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