Thursday, April 07, 2005

Green Tea Cables Update

Hi all, I know I haven't been blogging lately. Work has been all consuming and I've been too tired to do anything else. It should be better for a time now. :) Thanks for all the concern. I have a few things I'd like to share but I guess I'll do it day by day.

My cable project hit a snag last week. I took one look and realized that I messed up one of the cable panels pretty badly. The main panel, which I'm following another pattern. After figuring out where I went wrong last weekend, I decided on the spur of the moment to take pictures of it. But my photo skills weren't fantastic so I had to throw some away and the others came out dim and blur. So apologies all round. You will also have to excuse me on the odd sizes I have there. :)

If you look at the above picture, there's absolutely no sense of what the pattern is about. It's gibberish. I ripped the panel until I got to the ribbing and removed the needles. Then I put the rubber stopper at both ends so the rest of the stitches don't fall out.

Then I started ripping until I hit the ribbing. There, I inserted a handy pair of extra needles to keep the stitches there.

Then came the ripping of the ribbing. I looked at the ribbing and it made no sense what so ever too. So I took a crochet hook and started correcting the ribbing column by column as I knit along.

It got a little tricky trying to juggle the 2nd pair of needles and the crochet hook at the same time and not let the stitches slide all out.

And there, the ribbing correction is done. If you scroll back up, it doesn't look like the original ribbing. I had to purl where I had knitted and knit where I had purled.

Now I needed to correct the cable pattern panel. So I pulled the correct line of yarn and started knitting according to instructions.

Almost there, it's a little tricky when you get the end of the stitches cause it becomes a tight squeeze.

Finally done, if you look at the book and my panel, it looks about right now. The first picture makes absolutely no sense right? Search me if I knew what I did wrong then. I only knew how to correct my mistake. Good enough for me!

Cheers ppl!

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