I haven't much to show. I haven't exactly been productive craftwise. Lots had been happening at my end. For all the peeps who thought I MIAed, I'm truly sorry. There has been quite some upheavals. I've got news though! Things happened rather quickly all of a sudden but bottomline is, I'm moving to a new company! Phew! There are still many loose ends to take care of, but ...:D So I'll still be MIA for a while until things settle down a bit. 2005 was pretty turbulent, so let's hope 2006 would be better.
Sewing and Knitting
As for knitting, it has been just as frustrating. I've messed up Butterfly a bit. Now the front has 86 stitches and the back has 89 sts, I have no idea. And Frilly jacket was ripped again. Thank you too Kitty kitty on the heads up on the sleeves tutorial. I read part 2 but somehow, part 1 and part 3 escaped me until you pointed it out..:)
Thank you girls for such nice comments on the clothes make over and the votes on the Chinese satin fabric. A Line skirt it will be! I promise to post a picture once it is done. I'm working on a mock DVF dress right now.
Oddball Meme
I got tagged by Ruth. So here goes..:)
***Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.***
1. Sandles - I normally go around with either sandles or sport shoes regardless of what I'm wearing unless otherwise required. I have lousy feet that tend to hurt if I wear fashion shoes and walk around with them. So I need to take care of them.
2. Shopping - I'm really lousy with shopping. Unlike my girlfriends here, I can't shop whole day and I can't shop like them. I tend to browse real quick and wilt after 2 hours of constant shopping.
3. Music - I love music of all sorts except heavy metal and high soprano stuff. Hearing a song that I like sometimes is enough to start me moving subconsciously. Sometimes I get nudges when friends realized I've started weaving and bobbing a little to a song in the middle of shopping.
4. Singing - Yep, music does that to me too. Sometimes at work when I'm too into something and listening to music, I start singing. Once a while, I get looks and nudges too or a "What are you singing?" question.
5. Spicy Food - I've been getting a lot of incredible looks when it comes to this all my life. I can't take spicy food, I tend to gag or choke if it is too spicy. And in Singapore and Malaysia where it is all about hot spicy food, most of my friends ask which planet I'm from everytime they find out. LOL
Hmm who to tag? How bout Doreen, Vanessa, Celia, Michelle and Happy Spider. No obligations of course. :)
I have nothing crafty to show except this.

This was my second attempt at something handmade meant as a gift for a friend. But somehow, it is just not working out and I'm kinda frustrated. My mom took one look at it and pronounced it ugly and old, my other half suggested "Why don't you get her something else." Sigh, I really did want to make her something nice. As for my first attempt, ugh! Don't even ask, I'm too embarassed to show it. I don't understand it sometimes this gift thing simply isn't working out and I seem to be having a designer's block.
For the Chinese, right now, it is normally the time to do a spring clean so that our houses are ready to usher in the Chinese New Year, which is arriving next weekend. While cleaning my room, I came across these drawings I did in the past. Occasionally, I'd get these urges to just draw and I'll just do something that catches my fancy. Though, it's much less nowadays. Since I have nothing else to show, I thought I'd share some for fun.

This one is my favourite for sentimental reasons, quite simply because I have a fascination with unicorns and what they represented when I was young and also, it was my first piece of drawing I attempted.

Later girls!
wow, you're not just crafty, but artistic!! but yea, i need to be cleaning out my house too. something i dread doing. =P
as for the meme, i can completely relate to #2 and #3. my hubby just took me shopping and even one hour i got tired... hehee (but if you take me to a sanrio store or a yarn store, i may last longer) =)
I didn't know you could draw too!
Anyone, perhaps one day I should draw a portrait for my Francesco.
Good to hear from you, finally!
ooh first ever tag! tres excitement!
glad to hear all is well :)
Wow, you got some cool drawings girl. I'll get to the meme very soon. Happy Chinese New Year!
Let the new year be a great year for you! Your drawings are so nice. You could do some knitting design ( or from the sewing projects) and draw them like in the last picture.
Glad it helped, I still had to work with my sleeve a lot to get them to work even with the instructions. But they really did explain it for me.
Good luck with the new job. I really hope it works out better.
Happy Chinese New Years. Woho, I leave for San Francisco on thursday so I can catch the latern parade on Saturday.
Hi ya, how ya doing? Long time no reading your post! Busy? Take care.
hi laura!! i just got your package in the mail... wow!!! it is very lovely!! thank you so much =)
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