When Ruth said she had something for me and was sending me a package, I had no idea! I didn’t know what to expect. Then, it arrived! Just look at the package! It’s awesome!

That one time I commented to her about Yarn Harlot. She remembered and she sent me, not one, but two of Yarn Harlot’s fabulous books! That’s not all! Ruth also gifted me with a Knit Bits Calendar wrapped in that really cute piggy present wrapper and also KoolAid! I’ve already poured through one of her book in one sitting. It was as hilarious as promised. I know I’m going to thoroughly enjoy and savor the rest of the package. A Big Thank you to you Ruth! This package made my day!
My minisweater was done quite a while ago. I had decided not to post it because I was uncertain about it and haven’t quite made up my mind. I haven't tied up the ends and I have not blocked it yet. I used 3 balls of Schachenmayr Punto in Blue that I had.
I added picot edging for the sleeves and hem. I thought it would be fun to give it a little pixie look with flared picot edging sleeves..:)Now I'm not too sure. Blame it on the Christmasy spirit going around with that pixie theme in my head. Heck if I had green, I'd probably used that for minisweater LOL And now, my problem with it is this : -

1.) The sleeves are very pixie looking
2.) The overlapping hem edges are too long. So long that I have to knot it to close it instead of sewing in a button to fasten it down.
So girls, I have half a mind to leave it as it is and another half a mind to frog it but I’d like to hear your opinions. Should I leave it as it is? Or correct the sleeves only or hem edges only or both?
Hi Laura! Nice gifts! I have "At Knit's End" and I think is a fun book for knitters.
You should keep the mini sweater, maybe knitting a short rib edge with a smaller needle could help on the sleeves. As for the knot, I think it looks cute on you.
Wow ... lucky girl! I have the first Yarn Harlot book ... but didn't finish reading it. It's just me ... not really interested in reading about knitting. But enjoy your books! ;)
hi laura! glad you liked the package. =) as for your minisweater - i actually think the knot doesn't look that bad! (unless it's not your style, but it still looks pretty good on you). i think the pixie edging looks cute but you can always frog back and put another edging on there if it bothers you that much (it's up to you). but i still think it's cute. =) and the color of the sweater is very cute and pretty too. =)
awesome pressies!!
i am having exactly the same problem with my mini-sweater... but i like the way yours looks tied. i might try it...
What a nice package! :) As for the minisweater, I think it looks really cute on you too. Just leave it as is.
Hey, I like it! So stylish on you!
Hey Laura, your mini sweater looks great with the picot edging and I especially like the tie on. It looks really different, just leave it as it is.
I think the mini sweater looks really cute on you... I would just leave it as it is.
Lovely package.
It looks stylish tied in front. Uniquely yours.
I think the little mini sweater is adorable. I think I would just leave it.
Have a happy holiday!
another vote for your minisweater the way it is. maybe offside buttons (one inside, one outside) for an overlapping closure if you don't like the knotted style? i think i saw a version like that on one of the blogs.
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