She wanted to do a bikini for her young niece. So after a few basic knit and purl lessons, we went off shopping for yarns. She settled for Sirdar DK Pure Cotton in a nice bright pastel yellow. Isn't it the cutest thing?
I've recently started to dabble in a lot of other stuff these couple of months. Beading was one of them. So, I finally got around to experimenting with beads and wire knitting and made a bracelet.

I made a couple of them. Quite interesting. The crocheted ones weren't as great though, it looked very messy. Have you ever tried to unravel crocheted wire? :) Well, don't.

Pace yourself if you want to try it. Knitting with wire is painful to your fingers too much at one go, it is also quite slippery on the needles.
Nice bikini, its really cute!
Wire knitting and beads...interesting combo. What wire do you use??
i especially like your knitting with wire bracelet. i have a book from lily chin on knitting/crocheting with wire. perhaps crocheting with wire will be less painful on the fingers? in anycase, it's very pretty =)
wow, you're really creative. The bikinis is so cute and the bracelet is beautiful!
That's an unique bikini!
I was imagining how hard it's to crochet or knit with wire.
Wow, your friend is really good! And the wire and beads combo looks great too.
you're back!!! that bracelet is very cool!!!
Very cool bracelet. I just made one but I can't post it because it is a surprise for my mom. Isn't it fun!!
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