Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas my dears.
This is my very first Christmas in Australia after moving here. It's been a long time since I felt Christmas. We haven't settled down truly, we have yet to find our own place. We don't have a Christmas tree to hang ornaments on nor could we offer much to our family and friends or indulge ourselves in all things Christmas. Yet the feeling is there. Perhaps it's because for the first time, I feel that I have a choice, things are falling into place and that I am truly with family. I just had a pre Christmas dinner with my family, and tomorrow we are going on a short fishing trip with family.
I wanted to take a nice Christmasy photo to show you gals when I saw this beautiful rose from my aunt's garden. So here's a gratuitous shot of the rose from the garden for you. Merry Christmas my dear family and friends, I wish you all peace, happiness and joy in your life.
Friday, December 21, 2007
This.. 24...Freaking... Hrs
Adding to that, the stupid bag now has to be frogged entirely. It looks really odd doesn’t it? The whole proportion is wrong and I followed the pattern to the T, ignoring that little voice that was telling me all the time something was wrong. Now my throat is swollen with hayfever and I’m just fuming with every stitch I unravel.
I just need to vent. Someone give me a baseball bat and show me a target.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Making an anthill out of a molehill
Huffing, fuming and thwarted from buying the exact yarns I desperately need for this and that pattern, I looked for some loop holes. The yarns are still in the carton boxes buried deep into our unpacked boxes and I can’t get it out, there is currently no place to store them until we rent a place permanently. I have to keep digging the box out and sealing it back on. Tedious, tedious. We head on to Bunnings where I sulkily picked a plastic storage box to store my yarns for ‘easy access’.
What? Ok, ok I haven't unpacked the box of craft books & mags and the 3rd carton box of fabrics.
Yes hubby, I said meekly, there won’t be any yarn purchases until I finish my stash.
Until next time that is. :)